We are committed to offering the best online shopping experience for our customers worldwide. Therefore, we provide free shipping for orders within the price ranges indicated for the following countries:
Note: Free shipping does not apply to products ordered using Personal Shopper Services and is only valid for products available in the store.
United States: From $99
- Saudi Arabia: From $299
- Qatar: From $199
China: From $199
Hong Kong: From $199
China SAR: From $199
Canada: From $199
- France: From $199
Germany: From $199
Ireland: From $199
Italy: From $199
Netherlands: From $199
- Portugal: From $199
Sweden: From $199
United Arab Emirates: From $199
United Kingdom: From $199
Japan: From $199
New Zealand: From $199
- Argentina: From 129
Enjoy now!
Don't miss this opportunity to buy your favorite products without worrying about shipping costs. Remember that this free shipping policy can be changed at any time without prior notice. Shop now and enjoy the benefits!
Customer Service
We are here to help! If you have any questions about our free shipping policy or any other matter, please contact us through our customer service.